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4 – Carbonite

Aronoke adjusted his gun-belt for the third time in as many minutes and took the carry crate of plant samples back from from Kthoth Neesh. The pirate girl was carrying a basket of cuttings in her other arm.

“Stop fiddling with that,” she hissed. “You look about as convincing as a wookiee pretending to be a queb. You’re supposed to be a smuggler, not a green wannabe!”

“I don’t think it matters if I come across as a wannabe,” said Aronoke mildly, “and besides, if I was a real smuggler, this thing would be worn and comfortable, not hard edged and chafing.”

“If you were a real smuggler you’d resent looking like a walking garden,” retorted Kthoth Neesh. “Whose idea was this anyway?”

The cover story had been Master Caaldor’s idea, and Aronoke opened his mouth to remind Kthoth Neesh that native plant specimens were one of the few remarkable commodities on Quebwoz Prime, and that biocollectors would pay good money for these plants, as long as they arrived in good condition.

“Stop arguing, both of you!” Tarric Gondroz was hung about with so many cachebags and carry-alls, that it was hard to tell what race he was. They all contained more botanical samples, including a carnivorous motile variety that seemed to be taking an unhealthy interest in his snout. “I’m going to have to put this lot down very soon, or we’re going to have salad instead of specimens!”

“There’s just one shop left.” Aronoke took another look at the map on his datapad and started off through the maze of buildings. “I think it’s this way.”

“You said that half an hour ago!” complained Kthoth Neesh. “Give me that map!”

Sighing, Aronoke stopped and passed the datapad to her, almost dropping the carry crate in the process. He stood shifting from one leg to another while she looked at it for a few minutes, all too aware that their diverse group had no hope of blending in, despite the busy streets. The queb crowd flowed around them, universally short, lithe and whiskered. Their sleek, shiny fur and long top-knots varied from pale grey through dusty violet to almost black, and their large eyes were attentive and curious. Both genders, which Aronoke could not tell apart, wore little in the way of clothing, sporting simple dhotas fastened at the waist by large buckled belts. Engraved bangles, torcs and armbands completed their ensemble, the jewellery mostly made of copper, pewter or burnished plasteel and covered with crawling uninterpretable hieroglyphs.

The excursion to locate plant specimens was a scouting mission. They were disguised as independent traders since Quebwoz was a closed system, closed off to agents of both the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic under the Quebwoz treaty signed perhaps fifty years earlier in the interests of maintaining the world’s independence and minimising galactic influence. Although the treaty had been a Republic initiative, intended to support the developing Outer Rim world in its fledgling intergalactic interactions, Aronoke privately thought that the Queb had wrangled affairs heavily towards their own advantage, since it gave them the benefit of trading with whomever they wanted with no outward repercussions.

The nurseries and florists they had visited were all close to the Kalarka compound, the place were Hespenara was being imprisoned. Most of the shops were single-storied, flat-roofed buildings with cool, dark interiors, but the goods were displayed under airy awnings outside. There seemed to be no organised street pattern, the buildings sometimes clustered and sometimes single, forming little islands with the ‘roads’ flowing in the spaces in between. Here and there amidst the flat rectangular sprawl, grand pagodas towered, surrounded by extensive private gardens, walled off behind high metallic walls or electrified fences.

Their eventual target was the largest of these. Aronoke had tried to sense Hespenara and had caught a faint impression of her there. He had been relieved to detect even that; the fact that she was preserved in carbonite seemed to make locating her more difficult. Still, confirmation that she was there was all they needed.

Reconnaissance had revealed that the Kalarka compound was a substantial estate in a dominant position neighbouring the immense sporting stadium, the esteemed cultural hub of queb society. Reputations rose and fell upon the results from the sporting arena; fortunes were made and lost. All the most important queb families sponsored athletes to compete in the events held there. The stadium was always busy, hosting minor competitions and training sessions in between more important events. Aronoke had been most interested to note that the Kalarka compound had its own private entrance into the stadium. Although the passageway was certainly guarded, he thought it might well be of interest to Master Caaldor in planning their rescue attempt.

Kthoth Neesh frowned and turned the datapad ninety degrees. “Are you sure this is the right map?”

Tarric Gondroz made a despairing noise. “I need a drink,” he wheezed. “Let’s find a place to buy one, and you can work out where we’re going while we’re sitting down somewhere nice and cool and shady.”

“That’s not a bad idea,” Aronoke admitted. He had been enjoying the sunshine and the heat, but the humidity was oppressive and he was thirsty. The Kalarka platform, where they had landed, hovered high above the intensely jungled surface of the planet below, a wilderness world renowned largely for its large predators and hunting preserves. Even at this elevation, it was much hotter than the standard temperature maintained on most human-inhabited space stations. Of course, it was quite mild compared to Kasthir.

Tarric Gondroz led the way to a drinking establishment they had passed a few minutes previously, showing more energy than he had all day. Aronoke trailed behind the kubaz and Kthoth Neesh thinking how odd it was to be posing as the kind of person he might have become if he were not a Jedi, had he ever won his freedom from Careful Kraas. It might not be a bad life, he had to admit, not if he found the right sort of person to work for, or managed to earn enough credits to work for himself. But as Master Altus had told him, and as Aronoke knew well from his studies in the Jedi temple, being force sensitive changed everything. There was no middle ground; there was only the Light side or the Dark side. Trying to pretend he had no Force abilities would change nothing. They would have presented themselves whether he had chosen to pursue them or not, and if he had not been trained to cope with them, terrible things might well have eventuated. Aronoke shuddered to think what would have happened to him if his Force abilities had become active while he was still on Kasthir. That would have been a good way to end up dead, or worse.

The cantina was a dimly lit building that catered more heavily to the local crowd than it did to tourists, although a flickering holographic drinks menu on one wall did list drinks in Basic rather than the local queb lingo. Tarric Gondroz had already found them a booth along one wall and was divesting himself of his various burdens. The kubaz let out a long relieved sigh as he took a seat on one of the benches. Kthoth Neesh took a place opposite him and looked up at Aronoke impishly. “I’ll have a Red Star,” she said mock-sweetly.

“I’ll have a Something Blue, that is, if you’re buying,” said Tarric Gondroz. “I’m unfortunately completely out of funds, since I was forced to leave everything behind fleeing for my life from those violent refugees. I mean,” he amended hurriedly, seeing Aronoke’s wry expression, “since you kindly rescued me from the very unfortunate position I foolishly got myself in.”

“Alright,” said Aronoke resignedly and he went over to the bar to order. The barkeep had been watching the small group of newcomers with mild disinterest since they had come in, and set about mixing the drinks Aronoke ordered while he stood waiting.

“Well, aren’t you a breath of fresh air. New here, huh?”

It was a human woman, with shoulder length brown hair, perhaps twenty years older than Aronoke himself. Her face was weathered and her garments looked like the well-worn version of this own: the kind of clothing preferred by experienced independent traders of the spaceways. Her expression was slightly puzzled, but not unfriendly.

“It’s not every day we get a human visitor here on Katarka platform, let alone someone as exotic as you. Looking for a native guide to do some sightseeing?”

“No, we’re here on business,” drawled Aronoke, dropping back into his native Kasthirian accent. Living on Coruscant had considerably changed the way he spoke.

“Ah,” said the woman. “Business. Jark Tander’s the name.”

“Jaxxor Branx,” said Aronoke, using the cover name he had chosen.

“If you’re interested in plants, I’m in the business of running expeditions down to the planet’s surface. Hunting, exploration and so forth. I know all the best places if you’re looking for the real stuff, instead of the things the vendors sell platform-side.”

“It’s not up to me,” said Aronoke. “It’s up to the boss. Captain Oldric’s back on our ship, the XL-327. He’s got a buyer looking out for exotic plants and sent us out to collect some samples.”

“Your boss, eh? Would he mind if I dropped by, maybe gave him my spiel personally?” asked Jark Tander.

“I’m sure that would be fine, although I don’t know how long we’re going to be here.”

“Well, here’s my data card, in any case. Maybe you can give him that, and tell him if he’s interested in going down to the surface and collecting some real specimens, I’m the best you’ll find for the job.”

“Sure,” said Aronoke. “I’ll tell him.”

The bartender arrived back with the drinks, and Jark Tander gave Aronoke a sketchy wave and moved off towards the exit, while he carried them back to the table. He set the Red Star, a drink with layers that gradated from thick golden yellow to dark maroon in front of Ktoth Neesh, and a clear bright blue effervescent one, containing tiny silver spheres that rose and fell with the bubbles [1], in front of Tarric Gondroz. He settled gratefully into the seat next to the kubaz to drink his own kwaro juice.

“I see you found a friend,” remarked Kthoth Neesh.

“A local, interested in taking us down to the planet’s surface,” said Aronoke. “I referred her to M… Captain Oldric. I think we should probably head back to the ship immediately, instead of finding this last shop, to give him fair warning that she might show up there.”

“Oh, thank every star in the Kiatu constellation!” said Tarric Gondroz, wiggling his fingers in the air and turning his eyes exaggeratedly towards the heavens. Unfortunately, the carnivorous plant specimen chose this moment to make a darting lunge at his snout, and Aronoke barely managed to rescue the kubaz’s drink and his own in the resulting tumult.


“A local human, eh?” said Master Caaldor, when Aronoke reported in back on the ship. “Perhaps she might be useful in our investigation. We had best prepare ourselves in case she does decide to visit. There are some things in storage that ought to make our ship somewhat more convincing.”

Half an hour later, Aronoke had to admit that the XL-327 did look more like the independent trading vessel she purported to be. The plant specimens they had so painstakingly gathered were strewn across a long work-table in the main lounge, while anonymous crates and tools stood about in the usually pristine hallways. A pile of dusty advertising holocubes from a wide variety of worlds formed an interesting sculpture on a side table. There was even a racy swimsuit holocalendar featuring tasselled Twi’lek girls, ten years out of date, that Kthoth Neesh had found somewhere and tacked up on a wall. Master Caaldor looked strange to Aronoke, dressed in unfamiliar clothing, although he did look far more like a smuggler than Aronoke did to himself. The role was obviously one he had played before.

When Jark Tander turned up, later that evening, Aronoke thought the ship made a positive impression on her. “Tidy looking vessel you run here, Captain Oldric,” she said to Master Caaldor, looking about herself. “I trust your offsider told you why I’m here.” She nodded to Aronoke, who was lounging idly against a wall.

“He did indeed,” said Master Caaldor. “Jaxxor, why don’t you go and fetch us some of that Corellian Spiced Ale?”

“Yes, Captain,” said Aronoke. By the time he returned, Master Caaldor and Jark Tander were deep in conversation about places in the galaxy he knew little about, exchanging stories about trading runs made in the past. Aronoke wondered at Master Caaldor’s knowledge of such things and the ease with which he discussed them with someone who was in that line of business themselves.

“Well, too bad I can’t interest you in a guided tour of the surface,” said Jark Tander reluctantly getting to her feet after several rounds of drinks. “I must say it’s been nice to have some human company for a change. It’s funny really – I came out to Quebwoz because I thought I was done with other humans for a good long time, but a few years later and here I am, seeking out their company.”

“I’m sure there’s a proverb about that,” said Aronoke, and Jark laughed drily.

“Don’t get me wrong,” she said, “the Queb are good people in their way, but slipperier in their business dealings than Huttese swamp snakes. You’d do well to mind what deals you make while you’re here.”

“Is that a quality common to all Queb, or just the Kalarka?” asked Aronoke.

“Oh, all Queb really,” said Jark Tander. “The Kalarka clan are just better at it than most, as you can see by their wealth and success. They control this entire platform and it’s one of the more prominent ones.”

“We’ll be careful,” said Master Caaldor. “Thanks for the tip.”

“Here’s my frequency in case you change your mind, or if you ever come back this way,” said Jark Tander, passing a holocube to him.

“We’ll be sure to do so,” said Master Caaldor, beaming charmingly as he ushered her out.


Concealed by the dark velvety night, Aronoke followed Master Caaldor through the streets of the queb city towards the stadium. There was an odour of moisture and unfamiliar vegetation in the air, while insects and birds performed a constant background concert, despite the late hour. There were still a few queb in the streets, taking advantage of the cooler temperatures, but all the shops had shut save for a few scattered drinking houses. Even the great bulk of the stadium was quiet, the great spotlights still lit, but only dimly. Only a few athletes practiced out on the great expanse of duragrass.

Aronoke’s thoughts were racing. His hand itched to check the lightsaber hidden in his pocket, but he restrained himself, telling himself that the gesture was too suspicious. Were they being watched? Aronoke could not be sure. His senses told him that there were people everywhere in the surrounding houses and buildings – sleeping people, talking people, people doing late-night jobs – but his focus seemed twitchy and erratic, jumping from one cluster of living things to another, making it impossible to tell anything accurately.

“Stay calm,” admonished Master Caaldor as they approached the private entrance to the Kalarka compound, his voice barely more than a whisper, and Aronoke tried to relax, forcing himself to run through one of the simpler meditations.

As they moved into the entranceway, two stout queb guards stepped out to block their way. They were dressed in professional looking security armour, rather than traditional queb garb, tailored to fit their unique anatomy.

“This is a private throughway,” said the slightly taller of the two guards, crossly stepping to block their way. His nose quivered indignantly. “Public access is not allowed, human.”

“You must go back to the street and find another way around,” said the second, more helpfully.

“We are expected. We should pass through,” said Master Caaldor, waving his hand casually in front of the indignant guard’s face.

The queb looked at him for a moment. Its mouth dropped open slightly as it thought.

“They are expected,” said the guard, stepping out of their way. His fellow looked at him in mild confusion for a moment, but then nodded. “They should pass through.”

Then, easy as that, the gate was opened and they were walking along an impressive hallway into the interior of the queb compound. The passage bypassed the outer gardens and courtyards, leading directly into the interior of the massive pagoda that lay at the compound’s heart.

“We should get off this main corridor as soon as possible,” said Master Caaldor quietly.

Aronoke nodded. Their first goal was to find a terminal that would give them information regarding the layout. Master Caaldor chose a broad intersecting hallway and then picked a door, seemingly at random. He led Aronoke into a supply room and headed straight over to a terminal against one wall, where he began pressing buttons. A schematic came up promptly and Master Caaldor scanned it with his datapad.

“Central security is located here,” he indicated to Aronoke, pointing to a chamber at the junction of two major hallways – the one they had been following and a longer one that formed the backbone of the ground level of the pagoda. “Can you tell which of these walled gardens might be the one Hespenara is in?”

There were several large enclosed courtyards within the building’s bulk, any of which might contain the garden from Aronoke’s vision.

Aronoke focussed his senses and his perception of Hespenara’s frozen presence solidified, far across the compound. “I think it’s this one over here,” he said, stabbing a finger at the diagram.

“Good,” said Master Caaldor. “All we have to do is to deactivate the skyshields from the main security centre, make our way there, and signal the ship.”

He seemed blithely confident, Aronoke thought, when there were so many things that could go wrong!

“What about Bolar Dak?” he asked. “Aren’t we going to get him too?”

“We’ll worry about him once we’ve got Hespenara,” said Master Caaldor. “Chances are, he’ll be sent after us, saving us the trouble of finding him.”

Aronoke nodded. That made good sense.

Master Caaldor appeared to have completely memorised the layout of the compound from one good look at the schematic and didn’t refer to his datapad as they moved along hallway after hallway, detouring through room after room and scorning the use of major passageways. Where there was no way through, his lightsaber made quick work of thin-walled partitions. Aronoke recognised some landmarks from his brief surveillance of the map, but quickly felt lost. As they moved along the passageways, he was aware of queb in some of the side rooms and moving nearby, but nevertheless he was taken by surprise when a queb suddenly stepped out into the hallway ahead of them. It was dressed in a fancier version of the security armour worn by the entrance guards.

The queb seemed surprised to see them too. “What are you doing here? You have no right to be here.”

“We are supposed to be here,” said Master Caaldor, waving his hand casually in the Queb’s face. “We are expected.”

The queb hesitated for a moment, a peculiar expression crossing its furry face. Its dark, flat nose twitched expressively and its luxurious topknot quivered.

“No you’re not!” it said, suddenly punching a button on a control bracer locked about its forearm. Immediately an alarm began to sound in the distance. With its other hand, it reached for a formidable-looking blaster. “Surrender!”

Master Caaldor gestured briskly, and the queb security captain – if that’s what it was – was flung sideways into the wall of the passage. It slid down, slightly dazed, but even as it reached the floor it began to pick itself up, aiming the weapon as it did so. Another gesture from Master Caaldor and the blaster rattled across the corridor to land at Aronoke’s feet. Aronoke picked it up and pointed it at the guard.

“I think you’d better do what we say,” he said.

“You won’t get away with this,” the security captain chittered angrily. “Kalarka hires the best security on Quebwoz Prime. Surrender now and you may still get off lightly.”

“Thanks for the warning,” said Master Caaldor drily. “However, we’ve come this far, so I think we’ll take our chances. Bring our friend along, Aronoke. Perhaps he’ll prove useful.”

Aronoke grabbed the captain and hustled him down the corridor, keeping the mean-looking blaster pointed at the alien’s head. He hoped he wouldn’t have to use the weapon; it was non-standard issue and he was not sure how it worked.

The security alarm had done its work, and security guards boiled out of side passages to block their way as they approached the security centre.

Vermalkat!” shrieked the security captain, twisting wildly in Aronoke’s grip and forcing him to tighten his hold. “Bejari di kar! Instalki mari ar kar!

Master Caaldor waved an arm, and the security guards were swept aside like skittles.

“Lay down your weapons and let us pass,” demanded Master Caaldor, as the guards began picking themselves up. “Otherwise your captain loses an eye!” He gestured at Aronoke with his head as he spoke, and Aronoke shifted the blaster obligingly. “Do as I say, and no one gets hurt!”

The guards muttered uncertainly, but the captain had sagged slightly in Aronoke’s grip when he saw his guards were dealt with so easily. “Let them pass,” he croaked. “They are some kind of vermalkat!”

“Vermalkat?” wondered Aronoke and Master Caaldor shrugged. Beyond, the guards were laying down their blasters and backing away, muttering in the queb language to each other.

“You, gather up the weapons and drop them down that chute,” said Master Caaldor to one of the closer guards, gesturing towards a handy waste-disposal panel in one wall. He waited watchfully while the guard gathered up the fallen blasters and disposed of them. “Now, remove yourselves. If I see any of you following us, your captain will pay the price, one body part at a time!” The guards began scuttling away, some hastily, some more reluctantly.

“Bring our friend along,” Master Caaldor said to Aronoke, once the guards had complied. Turning, he strode off down the corridor, casting stern glances in the direction the retreating guards had taken. Aronoke followed in his wake, all too aware that the queb had not retreated far and could still cause trouble.

“Remember, if I see anyone following us,” Master Caaldor tossed over his shoulder as he led the way towards the security centre, “your captain will pay the price!”

Several queb heads withdrew hurriedly from the corridor.

Reaching the security office, Master Caaldor hastened over to a large central console, while Aronoke found a handy storage locker to shut the security captain in.

“I’m sure your guards will come and let you out soon,” he replied to the queb’s spluttering protests.

“Are you any good with these things?” Master Caaldor mused, once the captain was safely out of the way.

“Sorry, Master,” said Aronoke. “I’ve never had much training with computer systems.”

“Hm, well, we’ll just have to hope that my paltry skills are enough to deactivate the skyshields,” said the older Jedi, frowning in concentration as he navigated the complexities of a security menu. There was a tense silnce while he worked, during which Aronoke uneasily eyed the exits from the security room. He could sense the queb gathering in several locations, preparing their defensive.

“There, maybe that will do it!” Master Caaldor said triumphantly.

Heavy duty plasteel barricades slid down simulataneously to block all exits from the security room, sealing the chamber with a heavy clang.

“Or maybe not.” Master Caaldor turned back to the panel.

Aronoke felt oddly comforted by the barricades – even though it seemed they now were trapped, there was less chance of being suddenly swarmed by the queb.

“No, I think the shield is down,” Master Caaldor said, after a few more minutes. “I triggered some sort of security failsafe while deactivating it. All we have to do is to make our way to the garden.”

“Oh,” said Aronoke, looking at the barricades dubiously. “We cut our way out?” He could hear faint sounds and detect the accumulated life-signs of many queb guards massing behind them. A lightsaber would deal with most obstacles, but cutting through the heavy plasteel barriers would be slow work. The guards would have plenty of warning and it would be a messy fight if they had to leave that way.

Master Caaldor drew his lightsaber and plunged it into the security console, sending out a shower of cascading sparks and causing a minor explosion. Security display screens flickered into blurs of static.

“Ventilation shafts,” he said, gesturing to a panel in the ceiling. “You go first, Padawan – cut through that grill.”

Climbing on top of the console, Aronoke drew his lightsaber and sliced through the edges of the grill in the ceiling. It was easier said than done, and Aronoke was certain that the tough metal would have stood up to anything short of a lightsaber or a high grade lasercutter. He neatly sidestepped the panel as it fell out and climbed cautiously up through the hole, trying to avoid the still-smoking edges.

“Which way?” he asked uncertainly, peering along a long dark crawlspace that led in both directions. No, he should know this, he thought. He could still sense Hespenara – she was somewhere off to the…


Aronoke hastened along on hands and knees, pausing only to make sure Master Caaldor was following him.
Moving as quietly as possible, they navigated several intersections.

“One moment.”

Master Caaldor had stopped and was inspecting his datapad, its faint green glow casting an odd tinge to his face. “Our best bet is this chamber here – it looks like a maintenance room. From there, it is only a short way out to the garden. Take the next left and be wary of a shaft down.”

“Yes, Master.”

Before long, they stood, dusty and dishevelled, in a small, metal-walled chamber with a single door. Tools and equipment hung on two walls, with a maintenance terminal taking up most of a third.

“Is there anyone in the room outside?” Master Caaldor asked quietly.

Aronoke closed his eyes and obediently cast his senses to the room beyond the door. The unmistakeable signs of life lay beyond.

“Yes, but I think it’s only one person,” said Aronoke. “They seem quite alert – perhaps it’s a security post.”

“We incapacitate them and go straight through,” said Master Caaldor showing Aronoke the schematic on his datapad. “Out this door here, along this hallway and outside.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Very well. I’ll open the door and you take point.”

Aronoke swallowed firmly and nodded, his lightsaber ready in his hand.

The door slid open and Aronoke rolled through, coming to his feet a short distance in front of the single queb occupant.

Who was accompanied by four heavy-duty security droids.

Bantha crap, Aronoke thought wildly. He hadn’t sensed the droids at all! He had gotten the situation completely wrong! He lunged towards the queb guard, aware that the droids would not be able to shoot him without harming the queb if he could only get close fast enough, but the guard was on his toes and vaulted nimbly back behind a low barricade that partially blocked the other exit while the droids moved to intercept Aronoke. Aronoke landed, rolling awkwardly to avoid the droids’ fire and came up ready to plunge his lightsaber into the turbomechanism of the nearest one. He was vaguely aware that Master Caaldor was coming into the room behind him.

Aronoke’s lightsaber missed its target, shearing off one of the droids arms instead. The other arm twisted around and fired at him, forcing him to duck aside. As he swivelled on his back foot, deflecting blaster fire and coming around for another attack, something sailed towards him from over the barrier, but before Aronoke had time to identify it, the object was abruptly deflected, suddenly changing direction midair, as if it had hit an invisible wall. For a moment it looked like it was going to sail back over the barricade, but it impacted against the rim instead. Aronoke had only a fraction of a second to try to shield himself, before the explosion effortlessly tossed the heavy droids aside, picked him up, and flung him backwards to smack painfully into a wall.

* * *

There was a loud ringing in Aronoke’s ears and the world swung sickeningly from side to side. A terrible burning smell filled his nostrils. Everything hurt, in a blaze of agonising, burning pain that washed over his whole body. He tried to open his eyes, but they wouldn’t open, and for a moment he wondered disconcertedly if he was blind. Panicking, he struggled for a moment, but his limbs only twitched feebly and his eyes stubbornly refused to open. Abruptly the world swung around in a circle and he found himself set down on something spongy and cool. It hurt. Everything hurt. Someone said something in a faint mumble and something briefly stung his arm.

As the pain retreated a little, one of Aronoke’s eyes came partly open, and he realised that they were merely gummed shut by his partially molten eyelashes. He fumbled at them awkwardly with his irresponsive hands, rubbing them until he could painfully tear them open.

The world was blurry and seemed darker than it should, for all that they seemed to be in a well-lit area outside. Most of Aronoke’s vision was obscured by dazzling after-images of the explosion. The ill-defined silhouette of Master Caaldor hovered in Aronoke’s view, and he was saying something. Shouting something, Aronoke realised, and gesturing.

“I can’t hear you,” Aronoke said, and he realised he must have been deafened by the explosion, because he couldn’t hear himself either. Master Caaldor said something else, and pushed a communicator into Aronoke’s hands. He pointed at the sky.

“You want me to signal the ship?” Aronoke asked, hazarding a guess, and Master Caaldor nodded. He pointed over to one side and hurried in that direction. Aronoke straightened to see where he was going and gasped involuntarily. It hurt horribly to move. It took him a few moments to succesfully control the pain enough to concentrate on anything else. As it receded to within bearable levels, Aronoke’s vision began to clear, and he turned his attention back to the communicator. Opening the channel, he pushed the button that signalled the ship and was relieved when the signal was answered almost immediately. He could tell someone was speaking, but couldn’t hear who it was, or what they were saying.

“This is Aronoke,” he said into the communicator, hoping he wasn’t yelling too loudly. “We’re ready for extraction at my current coordinates.” A voice at the other end said something, but Aronoke had no idea what it was.

Aronoke went to slide the communicator into his pocket, only to discover his pocket wasn’t there. Most of his clothes still hung on him, but only in burnt shreds. Grimly he took stock of himself. His lightsaber was missing! The blaster pistol he had worn was still holstered by his hip, although the holster was only hanging by a molten strand. Aronoke forced himself to his feet, finding his limbs to be bruised and scorched but unbroken. He felt very ethereal, a sensation augmented by the ringing in his ears and the strange muted silence of the world around him. Looking around for Master Caaldor, he caught sight of a flicker of movement from a doorway in the main building and identified several beweaponed queb taking cover behind a low stone wall. He hastily he ducked behind the lip of a low fountain as a few blaster shots whined past him, close enough that even he could hear them.

From that vantage point he could see Master Caaldor a little way along a stone garden path, kneeling beside a very familiar ornamental sculpture. Aronoke felt even more ethereal as he saw the scene from his vision laid before him in reality; there were no dancing queb, but there was Hespenara, frozen in carbonite, while Master Caaldor knelt, doing something to the controls of the carbonite block, doubtlessly beginning the thawing process.

A few more blaster bolts zinged overhead, reminding Aronoke that he should be doing something about the advancing queb. Even though he felt stretched to his limits by controlling the pain of his injuries, he tried to extend his senses to detect the approaching guards. None of them had managed to sneak around into positions from where they could get a clear shot at him. He peered over the edge of the fountain and inaccurately returned fire, sending the more daring ones scrambling for cover. He didn’t hit any of them, but his use of his senses allowed him to keep them pinned down effectively. He hoped that would be enough. Curiously, he began to feel a little better as he focussed on his task, trying to keep the queb at bay to buy Master Caaldor enough time to free Hespenara.

Suddenly, Aronoke became aware of another disturbance – something much further away and far above them. At first he thought it was the XL-327 come to rescue them, but then he realised that what he was sensing was another Force user, flying high overhead. Had the Jedi Council sent someone to help, Aronoke wondered confusedly. But how had they known where to find them?

But no, that distant presence was subtly different from the Jedi he was so accustomed to dealing with. This was something else. Another kind of Force user, he realised, and a moment later it was clear that whoever had just entered the atmosphere of Quebwoz Prime could be nothing but a Sith.

A shiver went down Aronoke’s spine as he took several more shots at the queb, who had taken advantage of his momentary distraction to advance a little. Then they were suddenly falling back, and Aronoke was not sure why, until a shadow fell over him, deepening the darkness around him. The XL-327 was setting down a short distance away, flattening several ornamental hedges in the process. Aronoke scrambled unsteadily to his feet as the ship’s ramp dropped down. A figure leapt out as the ship’s external lights suddenly blazed into life, bathing the garden into stark patches of light and shadow, revealing it to be Kthoth Neesh, looking about herself and making a quick and shrewd evaluation of the situation. Her gaze fell upon Aronoke and she looked just a little taken aback.

She didn’t hesitate, however. She raced towards him and grabbed him by the elbow, pulling him towards the ship and saying something as she did so.

“It’s no use – I can’t hear you,” yelled Aronoke in response. She hurried him over to the ship, dragging him up the ramp and sitting him rather forcefully on a metal bench just inside. She pulled a safety harness around him, snapping the clips shut, and then leaned over Aronoke’s body, pressing her lips so close to his ear that he could feel the moistness of them against his skin.

“Where’s Master Caaldor?” she yelled.

“Down there and to the left, getting Hespenara,” Aronoke replied, faintly hearing her query. “He might need some more covering fire while he finishes.”

Kthoth Neesh gave him a grin and an exaggerated salute and raced away down the ramp, while Aronoke leaned back against the wall, his head spinning. He closed his eyes, cautiously running a hand over his face and head, wondering how bad the burns really were. His hair! It was mostly gone, leaving nothing much behind save for a few ragged patches and some lumpy molten stubble that came away at his touch. Besides that, the damage didn’t seem as extensive as it could have been. His attempt to shield himself from the heat must have had some effect after all.

He opened his eyes and recoiled in surprise, because Tarric Gondroz’s elongated face was barely a foot from his own. The kubaz held up his hands placatingly and said something.

“I can’t hear you,” began Aronoke again, with some exasperation, when he realised that his hearing was returning and he could hear a little more than he had up until now. There was the dull rumbling of the ship, felt more as a vibration than anything else, the nasal buzz of the kubaz’s voice, and the intermittent high-pitched whine of blaster bolts. Then there was a sudden tangle of motion on the ramp, and Aronoke was overjoyed to see Master Caaldor, singed but intact, cradling a shivering Hespenara in his arms. Behind him came Kthoth Neesh, pausing to fire several parting shots back down the ramp as she came.

“Take us out of here, PR!” Master Caaldor yelled, faintly but audibly, and the ramp began to close as the ship’s engines whined into action. He set Hespenara down on the bench beside Aronoke.

“Take care of her, Padawan,” he yelled to Aronoke. “She’s suffering from carbonite sickness and I have to go forward to handle the ship. There’s going to be a fierce pursuit and it might be beyond PR’s capabilities to get us out of here safely.” Kthoth Neesh said something that Aronoke didn’t hear and staggered off down the corridor after Master Caaldor, while Tarric Gondroz hastily sat down and strapped himself in as the ship lurched wildly into the air. Aronoke grabbed Hespenara, before she could topple forward out of her seat, and fastened the straps around her.

“It’s me, Hespenara. Aronoke,” he said, as he fastened the clips into place. “You don’t have to worry. You’re safe now.”

The ship surged violently and shuddered, putting the lie to his words, and Hespenara said something, turning her face towards him. She put out a quavering green hand and found his shoulder. It travelled upwards, gently touching his face as she said something else.

“I can’t hear you, Hespenara. There was an explosion – it deafened me, but my hearing is coming back a little now,” Aronoke said.

“Aronoke!” said Hespenara. She must have spoken more loudly, because Aronoke could just hear her, if he used his sense abilities to augment his hearing. “It really is you – I can tell – but you’re so tall!”

“It’s a long story, but Master Caaldor and I came to rescue you.”

There was a pause as the ship lurched crazily again.

“You’re a Padawan?” asked Hespenara, her voice tremulous. “How long… How long was I frozen?”

“Not as long as all that,” said Aronoke hastily. From her perspective it would be impossible to know how much time had passed. It could have been more than a decade. “I grew up more quickly than a human would, remember? It’s only been about two years.”

“Two years,” repeated Hespenara, sounding rather dazed, as if she couldn’t really comprehend the information. “Two whole years… but…. Master Altus? Is he here too? What happened to Master Altus?”

“I’m sorry, Hespenara,” said Aronoke, taking her hand. “We don’t know where he is. You both disappeared, so we knew something drastic must have happened to both of you, and then we found out that a Jedi frozen in carbonite was auctioned off in Primtara sector. We don’t know what happened to Master Altus, apart from that he was captured by someone and kept somewhere against his will. I do believe that he’s still alive though.”

“I…. I do too,” said Hespenara, blinking furiously. Her face was paler than it had been. It had a yellowish tinge that didn’t look healthy. “I think I’d know if he was dead.”

“We were hoping you might be able to tell us something that would help us find him,” said Aronoke.

Just then Kthoth Neesh appeared, carrying a blanket and some drink bulbs in one arm, and hanging on to the safety railing with the other. She manoeuvred herself into the seat on the other side of Hespenara, and fastened the straps around herself, before tucking the blanket around the shivering mirialan.

“I’m Kthoth Neesh,” she told Hespenara as she worked. “I’m helping out for the time being.” She twisted the top of a drink bulb and pressed it into Hespenara’s hands. “This restorative beverage ought to get you feeling better quickly,” she told her. She passed another to Aronoke. “You should probably drink one too, Padawan. You look terrible.”

Aronoke obediently sipped the drink and then drank more vigorously as he realised he was very thirsty. The slightly tart liquid seemed to send cool tendrils winding through his brain and body tissues, soothing the fierce throbbing of his outraged skin.

“Padawan?” asked Hespenara again. “So soon?

“A lot happened while you were away,” said Aronoke. “The Jedi Council judged it would be better if I got out of the Jedi Temple sooner rather than later, and so they sent me off with Master Caaldor.”

“I don’t think Master Altus would have approved,” said Hespenara. “He wanted you to stay in the Jedi Temple as long as possible. He felt you needed time to establish yourself there after everything that happened to you on Kasthir.”

“I know,” said Aronoke, “but Master Altus wasn’t there.”

Hespenara opened her mouth to say something else, but just at that moment an explosion rocked the ship and it was flung sideways.

“Oh, by the Great Green Nebula! I’m too young to die!” wailed Tarric Gondroz, throwing his arms up to protect his face.

“What’s happening?” asked Aronoke, as the ship came out of its roll and regained some stability.

“As far as I can tell, some ship came streaking out just as we were taking off, and has been doing it’s best to take us out of the sky,” said Kthoth Neesh, wincing and rubbing a bumped elbow. “Master Caaldor is doing his best to get us out of here intact, but I don’t think it it’s going too well. I think I see why he usually prefers to let the droid fly.”

“Maybe it would have been better to stay frozen in carbonite until this was all over,” said Hespenara wryly.

“There wasn’t much choice,” said Aronoke.

“I’m very grateful, really,” said Hespenara, smiling wanly. “It’s just hard not being able to see anything.”

“Trust me,” squealed Tarric Gondroz, “you’re not missing anything worthwhile.”

Even as he spoke another explosion rocked the ship, sending it plunging towards the planet’s surface in an irreconcilable descent.



[1] You can make this drink yourself. Fill a glass with lemonade (the colourless effervescent variety), add blue food colouring, and sprinkle in a few silver cachous balls – the sort used in cake decorating. The balls rise and fall attractively with the bubbles. A friend and I invented this drink (or re-invented, most likely) as a prop to add colour to a pen-and-paper roleplaying session using the original Star Wars roleplaying system.




[1] You can make this drink yourself. Fill a glass with lemonade (the colourless effervescent variety), add blue food colouring, and sprinkle in a few silver cachous balls – the sort used in cake decorating. The balls rise and fall attractively with the bubbles. A friend and I invented this drink (or re-invented, most likely) as a prop to add colour to a pen-and-paper roleplaying session using the original Star Wars roleplaying system.