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“I think it will be enough if we merely escort the Perspicacity from our own ship,” Master Caaldor said, as they prepared to take off. “Our presence nearby should keep the refugees in check now that they anticipate their journey’s end.” The refugee ship was already hovering above the asteroid that had been its unplanned home for far longer than intended, while the crew performed last minute checks on the engines. “If there’s some problem we can cross over, of course, but things have settled down since the perpetrators of the murder were arrested.”

The documents Aronoke had recovered had contained evidence identifying the killers. The victim was a wealthy kubaz belonging to an opposing faction, one much smaller than that his killers belonged to. His death had not been a random unplanned act of violence or an accident, but an organised thing, and Master Caaldor had decisively and efficiently unearthed those responsible for ordering and carrying out the murder.

Aronoke was glad to not have to travel with the refugees. Although he felt sorry for them, especially for the children, the atmosphere of the larger vessel was oppressive. It was hard to remain uninfluenced by all the negativity and anger that had built between the ship’s crew and the more obstreperous passengers. He was glad too of the prospect of several days of relative peace and quiet. He would still have to tend to the prisoners of course.

Master Caaldor ordered Aronoke to let the pirates out when it came time to leave. There was no sign of the narakite pirate ship anywhere near the asteroid now – it was long gone.

“We are going to Trangoz system, where the refugee ship is headed,” Master Caaldor announced. “As it seems your captain has decided not to wait for you, you have a choice. You can choose to remain here, on the surface of the asteroid, on the off-chance that he chooses to return, as I agreed -”

“Frek that for breakfast,” said Rakskrak under his breath, but still quite audibly.

“- or you can ride with us to the station and get off there,” finished Master Caaldor.

“That’s hardly a choice,” muttered Tarth Lendriac, the old narakite. “Begging your pardon, your Jediness, but getting off on the asteroid is no longer a valid option.”

Master Caaldor shrugged. “You know your captain better than I do. He may yet come back in time.”

From the glances the three pirates exchanged they certainly didn’t think so. Aronoke didn’t either, but he knew Master Caaldor was merely taking a hard line with the pirates, letting them know that he wasn’t going to stand for any nonsense.

“Excuse me, Master Jedi,” said Tarric Gondroz, stepping forward. “I’m not a pirate! I haven’t made any agreement with you at all, although of course I’m very grateful that your Padawan stepped in when he did and took me over here. It’s all been quite comfortable, and I don’t want to complain, but do you intend the same offer to extend to me?”

“As far as I’m concerned, you chose to throw your lot in with these pirates,” said Master Caaldor mildly. “It seems poetic that you share their fate.”

“But the station will be crawling with refugees!” Tarric Gondroz protested. “My life won’t be worth a mynock’s fart if you leave me there!”

“Perhaps you should have thought of that before,” said Master Caaldor.

The pirates had been conferring. “We’ll take the ride to the station, Master Jedi, and thank you for your generosity,” said Tarth Lendriac. “You’d be entirely in your rights to leave us behind, according to the deal the captain made, but we’d rather come along with you.”

“Very well, then,” said Master Caaldor. “Aronoke, see our guests back to their cabins.”

“Shall I prepare the ship for take-off, Master?” asked PR-77.

“Yes, thank you, PR.”

The next few days passed slowly as the refugee ship limped through space, sound enough to ensure the safety of its passengers, but still too highly damaged to reach its full speed. The Jedi vessel matched the larger ship’s pace, and Aronoke spent most of his time concentrating on his training regimen of reading, lightsaber drone practice, and cooking. Master Caaldor had suggested that Aronoke attempt the latter using the minimal resources of the tiny onboard kitchen. Aronoke was not sure why, since Master Caaldor seldom ate anything besides Ration Bar B, one of the standard ration packs issued to Jedi field operatives. Whereas once Aronoke would have thought Ration Bar B to be the Food of the Gods, after having spent several years enjoying the wide variety of dishes available at the Jedi Temple refectory he found he preferred fresher fare and in greater variety.

In any case, Aronoke tried some of the simpler recipes in “Easy Recipes for the Shipboard Cook – Basic Meals using Easily Synthesised Components” which he had found on a datapad in the kitchen, and tested his concoctions on himself, Master Caaldor and the pirates. Judging from their reaction his cooking wasn’t terrible, but still held room for considerable improvement.

The Orproz Blotoz memorial station was a large radially symmetrical vessel with many outstretched arms, a great grey mechanical starfish hanging in space. Although it lay within the same system as the planet Trangoz, which was the refugees’ destination, it was isolated in deep space, far from any other body. Aronoke thought privately that he would not like to live on a tiny artificial world like a space station, confined to a mechanically maintained bubble of air and life. He reflected that he had been spoiled by the luxuries of the Jedi Temple; when he had lived on Kasthir, he would have thought the ugly space station something akin to paradise.

Master Caaldor waited until the refugee ship had docked, and then ordered PR to dock their own ship and had Aronoke assemble the prisoners.

“We are currently in the process of docking with Orproz Blotoz memorial station, in the Trangoz system,” he told the pirates. “This is the destination of the refugee ship we have been accompanying, and doubtlessly the station will have a very high refugee population, at least until they are dispersed to their new homeworld.”

“Excuse me, esteemed Jedi Master,” blurted Tarric Gondroz, bowing obsequiously. “But delivering me onto that station is no better than a death sentence. The refugees will see to it that we’re lynched before we’ve been there a day!”

“Perhaps you should have considered the implications of your actions earlier,” said Master Caaldor mildly.

“Yes! You said so before, and yes, I see that now,” wailed Tarric Gondroz miserably, “but I can’t take back what I have done! I would if I could, but the refugees are hardly going to take sorry for an answer. I already tried that multiple times, I assure you, and to no avail, which is why I was so eager to throw myself under your benevolent protection. Please, I beg of you, don’t leave me here! I’ll take my chances with Republic law enforcement any day!”

Master Caaldor shifted uncomfortably, and Aronoke thought that his master did not like having the prisoners on board his ship and had hoped to be rid of them as quickly as possible.

“Very well,” Master Caaldor said, throwing up his hands. “You may stay aboard for now.”

“Oh thank you, thank you!” Tarric Gondroz wheezed in relief.

Master Caaldor sighed and looked at the pirates. “Having extended this offer to one of you, I suppose it would be unegalitarian to not offer it to all of you.”

“Thanks, but we can look after ourselves,” said Tarth Lendriac. “I’m not afraid of a bunch of snouty refugees. We’ll be getting off here, thanks all the same.”

Rakskrak nodded emphatically.

“Actually, Master Jedi, I think I’ll take you up on that offer,” interjected Kthoth Neesh. “Seems to me, the space station isn’t a healthy place to be right now.”

“What!?” exclaimed Tarth Lendriac. “We aren’t going to stick together? You’re deserting us? The captain won’t like it, girl.”

“The captain can go frek a hyperbolean death weasel,” said Kthoth Neesh easily, with no hint of venom. “He left us for dead on that airless ball of dust. I don’t owe him anything and I figure this is a good chance to break off and start something new.”

She exchanged a glance with the kubaz, and Aronoke guessed that they had come to some sort of agreement during their shared incarceration.

Tarth Lendriac struggled for an argument, but then obviously gave it up as a bad deal. “Bah! Do what you like then. Just don’t expect the captain to welcome you back with open arms once the Sweeping Hawk latch onto your trail!”

Kthoth Neesh shrugged, unimpressed.

Tarth Lendriac made a dismissive gesture and stalked off towards the airlock, where PR was waiting to return the prisoners’ weapons and escort them off the ship.

Rakskrak looked from Lendriac to Kthoth Neesh hesitantly.

“I’m with him,” he said awkwardly. “No offense, Master Jedi, but I’d rather take my chances.”

“Be on your way then,” said Master Caaldor comfortably, gesturing towards the airlock.

Once the two male pirates were gone, Master Caaldor turned to face Kthoth Neesh and the kubaz.

“Since you’re staying on, I’m going to lay down the law,” he said. “You’re not prisoners any more – you can consider yourselves passengers. My padawan has more important things to do with his time than fetching your meals and escorting you about. If either of you demonstrate any inclination towards violence, towards recovering your weapons or taking over our ship, I’ll ensure that the rest of your journey is extremely uncomfortable and terminates in you being handed over to Republic Security on an inner-system world. Otherwise you will depart at the next stop we make where your personal safety is not in question. Is that completely clear?”

“Yes, sir,” said Tarric Gondroz.

“Glassteel,” said Ktoth Neesh. “Thank you for your forbearance, Master Caaldor.”

Master Caaldor nodded curtly, and made his way towards his cabin.

“Aronoke, I wish to speak with you in my study,” he said, as he passed.

“Yes, Master.”

Master Caaldor sighed as he lowered himself into his chair as though he were feeling the weight of his years, and Aronoke was reminded that he was far older than his appearance suggested.

“I wish you to go aboard the station, Padawan,” he said. “Make sure that the Perspicacity has docked safely and that the refugees have been allowed to disembark and are being housed appropriately. We haven’t brought them this far for them to get caught up in some bureaucratic nonsense now.”

“Yes, Master,” said Aronoke.

“There’s no need to go at once. Give them time to disperse. If there’s anything that requires my attention, send me a message. And Aronoke -”

“Yes, Master?”

Master Caaldor stared at him thoughtfully.

“I trust you agree with the decision I made regarding the pirates?”

“Of course, Master.”

“I was hoping Ktoth Neesh would choose to stay with us a little longer,” said the older Jedi, bridging his fingers comfortably, “which is why I extended my offer to her and the others. I thought it likely she would accept after what you told her about your vision.”

Aronoke nodded.

“I am convinced there is something important about her,” Master Caaldor continued. “You wouldn’t have seen her otherwise. Those visions you had are all connected which is why the Force showed them you all at once, entwined. I believe it is important that we don’t ignore them, but at the same time following up on them means working at cross-purposes to the Jedi Council. I have been strictly instructed that my primary objective is to keep you safe while continuing your training, and yet, my own intuition tells me that you must follow the path that the Force has presented you, or our efforts will be in vain. Where is it that you want to go, Aronoke? What would you do, given the choice? Following your visions would almost certainly lead us into danger, and equally likely, the Jedi Council’s displeasure.”

Aronoke’s heart pounded more quickly in his chest.

“I want to rescue Master Altus and Hespenara, Master,” he said, immediately. “I know it sounds arrogant, to think I could do so when more experienced Jedi have failed, but I’ve always felt I could find them, if only I was allowed to.”

Master Caaldor nodded, as if this confirmed his personal opinion.

“Good. Keep probing Ktoth Neesh for more information and try to befriend her, but remember – she’s not necessarily your ally, nor do her purposes mesh with our own.”

“I know that, Master.  She keeps trying to seduce me, to convince me to join her pirate gang.”

“And is she succeeding?”

Aronoke blushed deeply. “Of course not, Master.”

“See that it continues to be so,” said Master Caaldor, candidly. “If you find yourself experiencing any difficulty or loss of direction, please come and speak with me.”

“Yes, Master.”


Late the next day, Aronoke was returning to the ship, satisfied that the refugees were in good hands. The kubaz on the station had seen many shiploads of passengers pass through already, on their way to a new settlement on Trangoz, and the process for handling their arrival was well established. Although the refugees from the Perspicacity would have to wait several weeks until transport was available to their new home, their quarters on the station were spacious and all their needs had been catered for. Aronoke had been pleased to see that the ugly mood between the various factions appeared to have dissipated as he had predicted.

“Master Jedi! Wait!”

The voice rang out from down the passage and was followed by the clatter of small feet. Aronoke turned to see three kubaz younglings running after him down the passageway, dressed in crude approximations of Jedi robes. He immediately recognised them as children from the Perspicacity.

“What are you three doing here?” asked Aronoke as the kubaz younglings hurried up.

The older two, a boy and a girl, hesitated shyly and pushed forward the youngest, a stout girl of about five or six, who looked up at Aronoke with big imploring eyes.

“We waz to go wiz you!” she said. Obviously she had learned the basic phrase by rote just for this occasion, but even so, Aronoke was not immune to its impact.

“We’ve been training hard,” added the older girl, hastily. Her basic was stilted, but clear. “We can show you what we’ve learned. We want to be Jedi too!”

Aronoke smiled.

“I’m sure you have,” he said gently, “but not everyone can be Jedi, no matter how hard they train. It’s just something you are or you aren’t.”

“Even if we can’t be Jedi, we could still be useful,” blurted the oldest boy. “We could be your servants. We could help you aboard your ship, even if it’s boring jobs.”

“I’m sorry,” said Aronoke, “but it isn’t my ship. I’m only an apprentice, and I have to do what my master tells me. I can’t bring you along, even if I would like to.”

All three hung their heads sadly and the youngest began to snuffle a little.

“Just because you’re not coming with me, doesn’t me you can’t continue your training,” said Aronoke. “All the things you learn will still stand you in good stead one day, if you keep on trying.”

“How do you know?” asked the older girl sullenly. “You got to be a Jedi. You were never stuck having to be a boring old settler.”

“No,” said Aronoke, smiling. “When I was your age, I wasn’t a settler. I was a skimmer. I would have done anything in the whole galaxy to be a settler like you.”




“Everything in order?” asked Master Caaldor when Aronoke returned.

“The refugees are in good hands,” said Aronoke. “Seems that everything is progressing well and most of the trouble has evaporated now there’s more room and better facilities.”

“Excellent,” said Master Caaldor. “There’s nothing to delay us here any further. I believe our next stop should be -”

Just then the buzzer from the ship’s airlock sounded several times, loudly and insistently, as if someone was hammering on it repeatedly and hard.

“Goodness gracious me,” came PR’s tinny voice from out in the hallway, as he tottered towards the airlock. As Aronoke arrived to see what was going on, the droid activated the intercom. “Yes? Who is it?”

“It’s me, Rakskrak!” came a desperate out-of-breath voice. “Please, Master Jedi, let me in! I’ve changed my mind!”

“Should we let him in?” Aronoke asked Master Caaldor, who had followed him out into the corridor. “Obviously he’s run into some sort of trouble.”

“Hrm,” said Master Caaldor critically. “I suppose we can hear him out. Why don’t you deal with this matter, Padawan, and let me know your decision.”

“Yes, Master.”

Aronoke took a deep breath and straightened his robes as Master Caaldor disappeared back inside his study. “Open the airlock, PR, and let him in.”

“Yes, Master Aronoke,” said the droid. It activated the airlock controls and Rakskrak fell through the hatchway and stumbled to the floor.

“Thank you,” the young pirate said, trying to catch his breath on his hands and knees.

“What’s going on?” asked Kthoth Neesh, coming up behind Aronoke. She had obviously been sleeping and seemed to be wearing little besides a loose robe tied about herself. “Rakskrak! What are you doing back here?”

“It’s terrible, Kthoth Neesh,” said Rakskrak, picking himself up. “Tarth Lendriac – he’s dead!”

“Dead?” asked Aronoke. “What happened?”

“The kubaz – that’s what happened. They nearly caught us both, only I managed to get away, but they got hold of Tarth and flushed him out an airlock!”

Kthoth Neesh flinched. She gave Aronoke a considering look.

“Please, Master Jedi, don’t make me go back out there! I don’t want to die! I’ll do what you say, anything!” Rakskrak was in a blind panic, clutching at Aronoke’s robes, tears and snot streaming down his face.

“Pull yourself together, Rakskrak,” said Ktoth Neesh, kneeling to disentangle the narakite boy’s hands from Aronoke’s garments. “I’m sure Padawan Aronoke will put in a good word with his boss to let you stay and he certainly doesn’t want you blubbering all over him.” She looked up at Aronoke inquiringly.

Aronoke was still feeling stunned. If he hadn’t told Kthoth Neesh about his vision, would she have been flushed out the airlock instead? Had her unpleasant death been averted, only to fall upon another? Was that how these visions worked, or would Tarth Lendriac have died, regardless?

“Master Aronoke, what course of action do you suggest?” prompted PR-77.

“You did make your choice,” said Aronoke to Rakskrak sternly. “You chose to throw in your lot with Lendriac, and you were well aware of the risks. If you hadn’t victimised the refugees in the first place, doubtlessly he would still be alive and you wouldn’t be in this position.”

“I know,” said Rakskrak piteously. “I know, but it’s our way. I’ve never known any other.”

“You always have a choice,” said Aronoke mildly. “Perhaps you should reconsider your career. Even if you survive this incident today, there’s no guarantee that you will next time.”

“You mean you’re going to let me stay?” asked Rakskrak, looking confused.

“You may stay, on the same terms as the others,” said Aronoke. A flood of relief washed over the young pirate’s face.

“You won’t regret it, Master Aronoke,” said Rakskrak. “I swear on Bizruth’s black nebula you won’t!”

“He’s Padawan Aronoke,” Kthoth Neesh corrected. “The master is the other one.”

“I’m sure Kthoth Neesh can fill you in on the rules,” said Aronoke, and the female narakite nodded, taking Rakskrak by the elbow and guiding him off towards the room he had occupied so recently.

“You let him stay?” asked Master Caaldor, when Aronoke arrived to report.

“His life was at risk,” said Aronoke. “I could hardly deny him refuge. The other one was flushed out an airlock, probably by the refugees.”

Master Caaldor sighed. “And so our actions come back to us,” he said mildly. “Well, I’ve had enough of the Perspicacity and its occupants to last several decades. Time we were on our way, Padawan. Tell PR to set course for Regado in Primtara sector. It’s a highly technological world where practically everything is for sale. We should be able to find out more about this White Krayt there.”

“Cancel that,” said Kthoth Neesh, suddenly appearing in the open doorway. “I don’t mean to intrude, Master Caaldor, but I couldn’t help overhearing. I know a thing or two about the White Krayt, and the place you’re looking for is Zamora station. The White Krayt’s main offices are there. Chances are you might find out more about your lost frozen Jedi if you know exactly where to go and what to say.”

“You’re volunteering for the job?” asked Master Caaldor.

“Guess I owe your padawan and all,” admitted Kthoth Neesh, a little grudgingly. “If it weren’t for him, I reckon it’d be me eating vacuum instead of the old man. He wasn’t a bad sort, Lendriac, and I wish it had happened to someone else, but I’m still glad it was him instead of me.”

“Very well then,” said Master Caaldor. “Zamora station it is.”


They did not travel directly to Zamora; Master Caaldor stopped off in Regado sector after all, to send a message back to Coruscant.  He had been eager to avoid talking to the Jedi Council directly, and so the message had been a recording, a unidirectional missive, the contents of which Aronoke had not been privy to.  He had taken the opportunity to send his own message to Draken like he had promised.  It was odd to think of Draken still back in the Jedi Temple, his situation unchanged. Aronoke’s own life was so different now, and full of such interesting things that it was hard to believe he had ever wanted to stay in the Jedi Temple.

Rakskrak chose to leave the ship during their stopover in Regado.  He had tried to convince Kthoth Neesh to join him – begged her even – but she had airily denied him.

“I’ve got a deal going here,” Aronoke heard her tell the younger pirate firmly.  “You go ahead, and try and make something for yourself.  Regado’s no tough crowd like on that kubaz station. You’ll fit right in, and we’ll probably meet up later.”

“Don’t you want to go too?” Aronoke prompted Tarric Gondroz, when the kubaz showed no sign of leaving.

“No, no,” said Tarric Gondroz hurriedly.  “We’ve got a business deal arranged for later, Ktoth Neesh and I.  I’ll stick with her, unless you’ve got other ideas of course.  I won’t be any trouble, I promise!  I’ll be useful, even.”

“Hm, we’ll see,” said Aronoke noncommitally, but since Master Caaldor said nothing about enforcing the kubaz’s departure, he had stayed on board.


Zamora station was an elongated ovoid of metal hanging in space, more organic and multi-globular in appearance than Oproz Blotoz station had been.  It was busier too, thronged about by a flotilla of large vessels, while a steady stream of small space skiffs taxied in between. Large holoadvertisements hung about the designated space lanes, advertising casinos, ship modification services and cargo storage facilities.

“We have to proceed with caution.  It’s not the sort of place where the Jedi Order holds any jurisdiction,” warned Master Caaldor.  “Our presence will still carry some weight, of course, by means of the rule that might makes right.  No one wants the Jedi Order breathing down their necks, which is certainly what would happen if we disappeared here.  I expect we can come to some sort of arrangement with a business-being as astute as the White Krayt.”

“Is this whole station owned by him?” asked Aronoke.

“From what Ktoth Neesh tells me, he maintains a controlling influence.  It is run as a trade centre, masking a black market operation, dealing, no doubt, in goods equally as dark and dangerous as a Jedi frozen in carbonite.”

Aronoke nodded.  It was the equivalent of a compound back on Kasthir then; a place run to the convenience of a few at the expense of many, but nevertheless, a place of protection that its underworld inhabitants could call home.

It was a good deal grander than any establishment on Kasthir, Aronoke thought a short time later, as he strode along the glossy glassteel hallway of the station’s main promenade at Master Caaldor’s elbow.  The walkway was busy, thronged by a diverse collection of aliens, merchants, customers and dancers.  Exotic pets were common, and many shoulders sported colourful multi-headed avians, tentacular arboreal hexapods, or tiny wide-eyed long-haired lemurkin.  Kthoth Neesh walked a short distance ahead of the Jedi, sliding deftly through the crowd, her attitude nonchalant, her slouch almost too casual to be believable.

Despite the glitter, Zamora Station still reminded Aronoke strongly of Kasthir.  It was not so much the architecture, which was expensive and technological compared to Kasthir’s worn squalor.  It was the people –  the way they walked, the way they held themselves.  There were races here that Aronoke would never have seen back on his homeworld, but regardless of species, both locals and visitors were aware of everything that happened around them. The casual ease with which they wore their weapons told Aronoke that this was a dangerous place for the uninitiated.  He and Master Caaldor were a novelty here, it was obvious, and they stood out just as thoroughly as Master Altus and Hespenara had on Kasthir.  They drew curious glances from most of the passers-by, while Kthoth Neesh went virtually unnoticed.

About half way along the main drag Aronoke noticed an impressive establishment, obviously the sleek and well appointed headquarters of a wealthy trading company.  The name was written in flamboyant golden hololetters in the convoluted script of the kubaz language, but repeated below in Huttese and Basic: White Krayt Enterprises.

Aronoke fully expected that this was their destination, so much so that he slowed his pace as Ktoth Neesh led them past the front door.  He glanced uncertainly at Master Caaldor, but the older Jedi was looking distractedly across the corridor at a display room modelling interior ship fittings.  He opened his mouth to say something aloud, but Ktoth Neesh shot a cool glance at him over her shoulder and gestured minutely with her head further along the main corridor.

They strode further along the promenade, following Ktoth Neesh, who shortly turned into a narrower although equally well presented corridor, and then into another completely utilitarian one.  A short distance along this, the pirate girl paused outside an unmarked door with no ostentatious markings or gaudy sign.

“That back there was the front door,” she said softly. “A distraction for those who don’t know the facts. This is where the real business happens. Now hang back, and let me do the talking, or we won’t get to speak to anyone who knows anything, let alone the White Krayt.”

Master Caaldor made an acquiescent gesture towards the door, and Ktoth Neesh traced several symbols, one atop another, in quick succesion on a touch-pad on the wall beside it.  After a moment there was a muted noise and the door slid back abruptly.

Beyond, Aronoke found himself looking along a short unremarkable corridor with another door at the other end, something that looked like it led to a maintenance room. Was this really a place of business?  It felt more like walking into an ambush. Master Caaldor was calm and unhesitant, however, following Ktoth Neesh inside and Aronoke trusted his lead. The door slid shut behind them, closing with a conclusive ringing clang.  Aronoke still felt uneasy, trapped inside this unknown place, but Master Caaldor showed no sign of concern, and he reminded himself that even if it was a trap, few restraints could hold Jedi for long.

The second door slid open as they approached, emitting a gust of cooler, more sophisticatedly filtered air, and revealing a plain but expensive chamber more expansive than Aronoke had expected.  The floor was dark extruded stone with shiny glistening darkest-green specks in it, the walls sleekly curved metal decorated with holosculpture.

Ktoth Neesh strode decisively up to a desk, where a yellow-green professionally dressed twi’lek woman sat behind a terminal.  Aronoke could see the glitter of a decoration on the twi’lek’s temple, just below the base of one of her head-tails, and guessed that it was a cybernetic implant of some kind. Off to one side of the reception desk was a dark glass door, leading to an alcove.  Aronoke could see large shapes moving subtly there; beaters, no doubt, he thought to himself.  Obviously, whoever it was they were going to see was somewhere behind there.

Master Caaldor drifted into the room, to all extensive purposes admiring an abstract holosculpture in subtly shifting dark red and burnt orange.  Aronoke glanced about, and noticing a long, low bench of white marbled stone, went and sat on it.  It was something of a surprise when the hard, cold surface he had been expecting yielded comfortably beneath him, adjusting simultaneously to his body temperature.

Ktoth Neesh spoke avidly to the twi’lek receptionist, gesturing towards the Jedi with a sweeping gesture of one arm. Aronoke could hear the rise and fall of their voices, but could not make out exactly what they were saying.  It took him a moment to remember to drop his shielding and reach out with his Senses to extend his natural hearing.

“…I figure that this could be turned into a useful opportunity,” Ktoth Neesh was saying, “if it’s handled the right way.  They were going to find their way to you, with or without my help – thanks to Jedi mind tricks and Tarth Lendriac’s loose lips – so I figured it might be best for your people and my people if they arrived under my guidance, relaxed and willing to make a deal, instead of all wary and looking for trouble.”

The receptionist put her head on one side, and frowned.

“Well, as relaxed as Jedi get, anyway,” Ktoth Neesh continued drolly.  “I think the lightsaber blades come up so regularly mostly ‘cause nothing else gets to.”

Aronoke tried hard not to blush as the two women laughed.

“One moment, please,” said the receptionist.  She stared vacantly into space for a few moments, and Aronoke guessed she was communicating over a cybernetic interface.

“Master Jedi,” she called, more loudly.  “Please, step this way.  The White Krayt will see you now.”


The internal office was large and comfortable, more like a recreational lounge than a workplace, and large display screens on the windows showed vistas of space around them, a myriad of twinkling stars, bright lights and busy ships.  Its occupant was a kubaz, unremarkable in appearance to Aronoke, except for its subtle but numerous cybernetic implants.  It was dressed in dark, flowing clothes, simple but expensive, and Aronoke could not tell what gender it was, despite his practice dealing with kubaz on the Perspicacity.

“Please, Master Jedi, have a seat,” the kubaz said in smooth, almost unaccented Basic, gesturing towards comfortable chairs arrayed near the viewscreens.  “Some refreshments?”  It gestured, and a small wheeled droid appeared with a tray of drinks and sweetmeats.

“No, thank you,” said Master Caaldor crisply, waving the droid away.  “I would prefer to get straight to business.”

“As you wish,” said the kubaz.

“You are the White Krayt?” asked Master Caaldor sceptically.

“I am the Voice and the Ears of the White Krayt,” said the kubaz smoothly, “and authorised to serve as his direct agent. He is a busy entrepreneur with many interests and can not always be physically here to deal with every matter that unexpectedly arises, but you may be assured, Master Jedi, that you have his attention.”

“Hm,” said Master Caaldor.  Aronoke could see he didn’t like the prevarication, but it was obvious that they had little choice.

“I am here in regard to a cargo which I know passed through your organisation’s possession some time ago,” Master Caaldor said.  “A female mirialan Jedi preserved in carbonite.”

“White Krayt Enterprises would never intentionally do anything to incur the displeasure of the Jedi Order,” said the Voice.  It would have continued further, but Master Caaldor held up one hand, and it paused expectantly.

“There is no point denying it,” said Master Caaldor, “I have firm evidence, verified to my complete satisfaction by a Jedi Seer.  The mirialan Jedi was certainly in the White Krayt’s possession and was later sold at auction in this sector.”

“There are an extensive number of subsidiary organisations that deal and trade with us,” the Voice said.  “It is possible that one of these handled this cargo without our knowledge.”

“I don’t care who handled it,” Master Caaldor said, his tone hard and uncompromising.  “I’m certain the White Krayt is an astute enough business-being to be perfectly well informed concerning the actions of the web of miscreants and troublemakers who work for him, directly or indirectly. What does concern me is the retrieval of the miralan Jedi.  I wish to know where she might be found.  Should this information be readily forthcoming and the Jedi be recovered, I see no need for further investigation or reprisal.”

“I assure you, White Krayt Enterprises was not involved in any aspect of the transacation you describe,” said the Voice, unintimidated.  “However, I believe we may be able to provide the information you seek.  As you have mentioned, very little of the business that occurs in Primtara sector goes unnoticed by our operatives.”

“The Jedi’s current location is all I require,” said Master Caaldor.

“Of course, this information can only be provided at considerable cost to White Krayt Enterprises,” the Voice continued, its tone almost oily. “While the White Krayt himself would be more than happy to provide this information gratis, a disclosure of this nature will have sizable repercussions that will be of detriment to our profit margins.”

“I have no interest in your business dealings,” said Master Caaldor.

“And yet, this is a place of business,” replied the voice.  “Generally we restrict our trade to resources and commodities, but in this case the White Krayt would be willing to consider an exchange of services. We provide you with the information, in exchange for a favour. The handling of a small matter, doubtlessly of little inconvenience to one such as yourself, Master Jedi, would go a long way towards balancing the spreadsheet.”

“I will not tarnish myself or my padawan in any activity of a dubious nature,” said Master Caaldor flatly.

“Of course not, Master Jedi. I would never suggest such a thing,” said the Voice.  “But surely you would not be averse to capturing an agent who was instrumental in delivering your Jedi compatriot into the hands of the one who now holds her.”  The Voice looked at Master Caaldor expectantly, but he said nothing, merely waiting for it to continue.

“That one not only dealt the Jedi Order a terrible insult, but also stole valuable data from one of our closest and best beloved trading partners,” said the Voice. “We would consider the retrieval of this person to be adequate compensation in exchange for the information we provide you. Since he is currently in the same location as the Jedi you seek, you would hardly be inconvenienced at all.”

Aronoke could see that Master Caaldor did not like coming to such an arrangement with the Voice.  Although mind tricks might persuade the Voice to be agreeable, it was obvious that the kubaz in front of them was merely a go-between, incognisant of the actual information they sought.  They could go no further without making a deal.

“Very well then,” said Master Caaldor, doubtlessly having come to the same conclusion.  “We will retrieve this operative and return them to you, providing they are still at the location you provide.”

“That will be satisfactory,” said the Voice.  “We are well aware of the reputation of the Jedi Order, and have every confidence that you will honour your obligations.  The mirialan Jedi girl is in the possession of the Kalarka family on Quebwoz Prime, the only inhabited planet in the independent and rarely visited Quebwoz system in the Outer Rim.  There you will also find Bolar Dak, the agent previously mentioned.  He is a bounty hunter of notorious reputation, known to stoop to such crimes as kidnapping and extortion.  The coordinates are on this data stick.”

“Sounds like a charming fellow,” said Master Caaldor flatly, leaning forward to accept the data stick the Voice passed to him.  “Well, it seems we have a deal.  You can expect delivery of this Bolar Dak upon the successful conclusion of our expedition, should he still be on Quebwoz Prime when we arrive.”  He stood to leave, and Aronoke hastily followed suit.  Ktoth Neesh, who had remained standing quietly by the door, smiled at them sunnily.

“May your efforts be rewarded profitably,” said the Voice, as they were shown outside.

“See, no hassles,” the pirate girl said as they made their way back through the station proper.  “A quick trip to Quebwoz Prime, and you’ll have your mirialan corpsicle alive and kicking again.  My debt will be all repaid, and we’re all happy.”

“I somehow doubt it will be quite so straightforward,” said Aronoke.

Ktoth Neesh shrugged.  “You’re Jedi.   You can always work your amazing mystical hoo-ha on them, like you did on us.  I doubt these Queb people could be much tougher.”

“That remains to be seen,” said Master Caaldor, “although it is true that those who possess Hespenara are not the ones who captured her and Master Altus. However, they must anticipate that the Jedi Order might seek to retrieve her, and that suggests a certain degree of blatant confidence of their part.  Let us hope it is misplaced.”

Aronoke said nothing, but a joyful feeling of anticipation rose in him at the thought that he was finally embarking on the mission that he had wished to pursue for so long; a mission that he had never expected Master Caaldor to support him in.  Surely if they managed to retrieve Hespenara, she would have new information on Master Altus’s whereabouts, and the green man could be released from the prison Aronoke had envisioned him in.

“You’re happy,” noted Ktoth Neesh when she and Aronoke crossed paths in the tiny ship’s galley, after the ship was underway.  “You look different when you’re really happy. Kind of glowy. Getting this Jedi girl back is really important to you, isn’t it?”

Her tone suggested that there was something more between Hespenara and Aronoke than mere friendship, and as she spoke, she moved far too close for comfort, looking innocently up into his face, so close that he imagined he could feel the warmth radiating off her body.

Aronoke drew back a little, but the food synthesizer was behind him and he bumped into it.

“It’s not like that,” he protested.  “Hespenara and Master Altus are the ones who found me, back on Kasthir.  The ones who took me to Coruscant and had me trained as a Jedi.  If it weren’t for them, I’d probably still be back there.”

“It wasn’t a nice place, huh?”

Aronoke shook his head. “Everything that lives naturally on Kasthir is poisonous.  There’s nothing there but dust storms and a few minerals rich enough to attract the more desperate miners.  No one would want to live there, if they could choose anywhere else.  I worked as a skimmer.”

“A skimmer!” exclaimed Ktoth Neesh, looking genuinely surprised.  She was obviously familiar with the term.

“I worked for a duster, hitting up miners for a percentage of their take,” said Aronoke. “The Jedi came there looking for something and I tried to stop them.  Let’s just say that didn’t go as planned.”

Ktoth Neesh had sidled forward while Aronoke spoke and now she reached out a hand to trace an undulating path down his chest.  He froze, unsure whether to rebuff her over-intimacy or to try to ignore it entirely.  There was a part of him that didn’t want to do either; part that wanted her to continue.  His awareness of his body had increased exponentially, the tiny details of his anatomy snapping so intensely in focus that the galley and Ktoth Neesh’s voice seemed to come from far away.

“And here I thought you were such a straight-liner,” Ktoth Neesh was saying softly.  “A good little Jedi who never put a foot wrong, and here you are, far more like me underneath those fancy robes and platitudes than anyone would ever guess.”  Her hand had reached Aronoke’s navel.

“No,” he said, swallowing hard.  “It’s not true.  I’m a Jedi now.  I put that behind me.”

“Tell me,” she said, as her hand drifted ever so slowly lower, “did Ashquash and you ever do anything like this, back when you were room-mates?”

Aronoke felt heat flood his cheeks and he slapped her hand abruptly away.

“No!” he said vehemently, pushing roughly past her and away down the hall.

“Oh, of course not,” said Kthoth Neesh to his retreating back, and she whistled cheerfully to herself as she began to program the food synthesizer.